JP 2017 Koyo Kansai (Part 6)

Biwako from Otsu

Our 3rd stay in this onsen hotel in Otsu. Panoramic views of Biwako stretching from Hieizan in the west to the distant coastal towns in the east. 


After checking out from Biwako hotel, we headed back to Kyoto for one last koyo spot, had lunch in Shijo, strolled the Nishiki market before heading to our hotel in Osaka/Tennoji.


Jonan-gu (城南宮)

Jonan-gu is in southern Kyoto. It was less crowded than other popular spots in Kyoto while its garden displayed some spectacular koyo.


This was the end of our koyo trip in Kansai after 1 week. We did not visit any koyo spots in Osaka, but to relax and did some shopping in Tennoji before departure.


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