JP 2012 Oct Hida Road

Visited Nagoya > Fukuchi onsen > Takayama > Gero onsen > Handa > Minami-Chito > Nishiura onsen


stayed in our favourite hotel overnight before heading to Fukuchi onsen on the next day.

Fukuchi onsen

3rd stay there. There’s a small morning market about 10min uphill on foot.



Returned to Takayama 3rd time for lunch before heading off to Gero onsen.

==> Gero onsen stay ==>


Visited Handa as day trip from Nagoya for Manjusaka (曼珠沙華)  blossom (Lycoris).


Minami-Chito onsen

From Handa, travelled south to Minami-Chito Peninsula for this onsen. Nice sunset viewed from balcony and lavish seafood dinner.


Nishiura onsen

Stayed in this onsen in the outskirts of Nagoya with in-room onsen with seaview, before departing on next day.



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