JP 2017 Koyo (Part 6)


Our original plan was to visit Naruko gorge and a boat ride along Mogamigawa as we last did in 2001. However, due to typhoon 22 – second in a row in 2 weeks, we dropped the latter due to rain and strong wind.

From Tokyo, we took Shinkansen to Sendai and picked up a car. Rain was pouring on the way while driving to Naruko Gorge. We did not visit anywhere until the next morning when it cleared.

Naruko Gorge (鳴子峡)

Our 3rd visit but first time by car. Though koyo has past peak as expected in end October, it was still great. Followed the trail down to the bottom of gorge and returned. Back in 2001 we carried on another 4km for some gorgeous koyo down there, but ever since the big Tohoku earthquake in 2011 that section has been closed.



From the parking area, we followed another trail for an easy 1-hour walk.

Afterwards, we had to return to Sendai area to check into another historical onsen ryokan in Akiu onsen.

==> Akiu onsen ryokan – Sakan


After checking out the next morning, we drove back to Sendai station, returned car, Shinkansen back to Tokyo and left Japan, thereby ending this koyo trip in Tohoku and JP Alps.


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